Sunday, August 21, 2016

Dolly Vlog Hop prompt #6: Dolly regret? Aka the one that got away (with video)

This is Video number 6 of the Dolly Vlog Hop. The prompt for this week is from one if the Vlog Hop participants over at Pop fun to play, please check the link below:

Dolly regrets? Any dolls that you sold, gave away, lost for any reasons, or almost bought and did not that you now regret.

In this video, I talk about the pullip that keeps on escaping me, Pullip Mir, as well as the fact that I used to let everything escape me to save money and how frustrated it had become until I got a little bit more money and decided not to let things escape me anymore. This is still an ongoing process and I'm meant to have dolls escape me again but I'm getting a lot better at getting what I want.
Also, I talk about my eagle ぱいーぐる and how I came to have him when he almost became an eagle regret. I'm also having fun with a little demonstration of his talents.

Never miss a Dolly Vlog Hop video, check our playlist

Check out the other Vlog Hop participants.
For more information on the Vlog Hop and how to participate, check out our facebook group:
Omocha Crush Pullip and Doll HQ or ask me because I'm the one organizing.
If you want to participate by making videos, I'll give you the rules and the weekly question as well as an updated list of participants.
If you want the Dolly Vlog Hop to answer your question, just leave it in the comments and I'll add it to the list.

Don't forget to like my facebook page: Doll and Amigurumi for more doll stuff.

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