Sunday, July 31, 2016

WeWriWar 166: Rainbow Catcher

Welcome to a new excerpt of Rainbow Catcher for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Now let's go back to our story.

Summary of previous episodes: Clarissa is coughing and wanted to watch Everett Cooper on TV but Jason refused, she is due to get her rainbow the next day but she seems scared, to make her feel better Jason leave the TV on. Clarissa tried to explain about rainbows, she is a big fan of Everett Cooper but Jason is not too sure about it. Clarissa complained about her dialophone but Jason needs to go to work. Before completely leaving he is thinking about getting her her rainbow. We flashed back to the meeting Jason had with a rainbow seller at the black market. Jason left Clarissa's room to go to work. Jason was talking to his boss about the rainbow coming the next day. Jason prepared the money for the rainbow in a sport bag and went to the hospital. The rainbow seller arrived for the delivery. But it was a scam and Jason prepares to go get the rainbow himself in the desert. Markus has a last surprise for him.

We start just where we left off last week.

Jason gave a quick look at Gena not knowing if he'd better continue cleaning the bike and let Markus deal with her or just run away. When she was angry Gena was pretty scary and he didn’t want to stay around too much.
“He is going to kill himself,” Gena said.
Jason couldn’t agree more, he was going to kill himself breathing the smoke or probably becoming deaf every time he would push the accelerator and that was the best case scenario. The bike could also stop anytime in the middle of huge fast traffic and that would be the end of him.
“He’ll be fine, he spends all his nights in the garage, he knows everything he should know about bikes,” Marcus said.
Jason opened disbelieving eyes looking at Markus and at Gena in turns. The only thing he ever did was cleaning pieces without knowing what they were used for.

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  1. Sounds like they have more faith in him than he does in himself.

  2. Interesting discussion all the way around! Enjoyed the snippet...

  3. Is Marcus just being nice, or does Jake know more than he realizes?

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  5. interesting situation ... his friend has a lot of faith in him. Hope that's a good thing. Nice snippet.

  6. Oh-oh. I wonder if the bike is going to make it now....

  7. Not sure if Markus is overestimating his knowledge or if Jason is underestimating it. Or if Markus is just trying to get Gena off his back. (And you'd think she'd be glad he was getting rid of the bike.)

  8. I'm not clear on the relationship between the three of them either, but I want to find out more.

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  9. Well, I guess Gena doesn't want to get rid of the bike as much as she lets on. I have to agree with PT on this one.

  10. Great scene, shows more into who these characters are.
