Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday Taster 93: Parallel Slip

Hello and welcome to a new Thursday Taster, the day when awesome writers all over the blogosphere come together to give you tasty bits of their last fiction. You can find the list here.

I put some jam on my bread and bite in it.
"I'm going to neurobiology class, you wanna join?" I asked.
"Are you going to faint again?" Alex asked.
"That's not impossible," I said. I didn't know what my dad had meant by four hours, it still didn't make any sense, maybe he knew a trick I didn't know yet. I opened my diary and wrote the result of the last travel, all about carrying water and cleaning the house and cooking beans, tones and tones of beans. I felt like I didn't want to see beans for the rest of my life.
"Then I don't have a choice," Alex said.
He took my general relativity book while I finished breakfast. There was something strange and familiar about having him sitting on my bed behind me but I wasn't too sure about it. All I wanted this morning was to make it to the amphitheater without prior black out.

Alex seemed to know every single short cuts on campus. He took me to the main building faster than we had yesterday with my father's car.
"So where did you learn about geodesic?" He asked.
I wondered if he could talk about anything else than physics and if he was going to be that serious all year. He looked so much like Lieutenant Fin. He had the same facial expression, the same way for trying so hard not to put his hands in his pocket as if that was something rude, the same sort of smile that he was trying to hide. I wanted to ask him about the other universe and that was disturbing me because I couldn't because he was not Lieutenant Fin, he was just Alex.
"I never did," I said. That was true, I had not a single clue about geodesic I didn't even managed to get what a geodesic was out of the book even by reading the chapter on it twice. "Why did you chose physics?"
"Because I want to do something different," Alex said.
"Different than what Amy is doing?"
"Different than what everybody is doing, I want to be allowed to think about useless stuff," Alex said.
"What kind of useless stuff?"
"String theory, the thirteenth dimension, time travel," Alex answered. "I want to be able to think about a lot of unobservable things without having people telling me they don't exist."
"And what if they don't exist?"
"If they exist in your imagination, they exist, if they exist in the equations, they exist, the rest, the concrete world, I'm sick of it," Alex answered looking around as if he wanted to include everything we could see in the last statement.
"But doesn't science need to be tested?" I said.

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  1. Intersting conversation. I'm glad tyhey are having this conversation. It explains a lot about your story and the importance of physics, described throughout, this far into the story.
