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Sunday, December 20, 2015

WeWriWar 134: Rainbow Catcher

Welcome to a new excerpt of Rainbow Catcher for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Now let's go back to our story.

Summary of previous episodes: Clarissa is coughing and wanted to watch Everett Cooper on TV but Jason refused, she is due to get her rainbow the next day but she seems scared, to make her feel better Jason leave the TV on. Clarissa tried to explain about rainbows, she is a big fan of Everett Cooper but Jason is not too sure about it. Clarissa complained about her dialophone but Jason needs to go to work. Before completely leaving he is thinking about getting her her rainbow. We flashed back to the meeting Jason had with a rainbow seller at the black market. Jason left Clarissa's room to go to work. Jason was talking to his boss about the rainbow coming the next day. Jason prepared the money for the rainbow in a sport bag and went to the hospital. The rainbow seller arrived for the delivery.

We start just where we left off last week.

“Of course, it's full,” the fat man said, looking at Jason as if he was a disturbing fly.
Jason reached for the handle.
“Don’t open it,” the fat man yelled in a voice way too loud inside a sick child room.
Jason looked at him suspiciously, the quality of the cold case almost made him forget who he was dealing with, he wondered what the man wanted to hide and was more than ever eager to open the case.
The fat man composed himself.
“It’s liquid Helium in there, it would melt at air contact, you don’t want to damage the rainbow, or do you?” he said with a caressing voice.

Answer to last week's comments:

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Vampire Friday: Vampire Heart 48

Have you been bitten yet?
Sign up to be part of our awesome Vampire Friday blog hop team! You know you want to!

Summary of the previous episodes: Viorel has been tortured by his supposed family who wanted to have him burn in the sun. Strangely enough the sun didn't burn him as expected but Viorel has no memory of who he is. Following the advices of his supposed father, he left Sighișoara and is now traveling to the West. After some skirmish in a previous city, he found refuge on a boat. Viorel is now in Vienna. The little problem is that the guy at the inn was a bit of an asshole and helped capture Viorel thinking he was a vampire, which he is but nobody needs to know. Now there is a huge man (which I call the colossi) taking care of Viorel and a priest. They brought a girl. Torture my holy water... Fail. Viorel managed to confuse everyone, now he would like to get out of here. But the girl seems pretty useless. They still managed to escape and he left the girl to the care of the boat lady before going back to have two words with his captors but his power of persuasion were failing him. The priest wanted to crack a deal but Viorel is not really up to help his enemies. He finally got some blood but he can't risk to stay in Vienna. He travel to Linz were he stays a bit to learn German. Viorel wanted to go to Praha but redirect himself toward Augsburg instead where he wants to get a horse, except that the horses are a bit scared of his vampirism and maybe something else. Viorel is really not a horse expert. Then he comes into an altercation with couple of people, he wants some fear in his blood. The girl Viorel has found seemed to enjoy the game. Viorel prepares for the nightmares that come with a feast of blood, in a rush to leave, he cross the dukedom of Lorrain.
Last week we introduced Sorina, three weeks after the beginning of Viorel's escape. 

Now, let's continue with Vampire Heart, right where we left of last week.

But this day was different, instead of taking her to the torture chamber, the servant took her to a luxuriant bathroom. The walls were decorated with big red and blue flowers painted by hand by some artist who had probably spend his life time on it. Two women were pouring hot water in a white bathtub, and throw roses petals on the top.
“They will try to drown me”, was the first thought that came to Sorina’s mind as the servant retired letting her on the floor letting the two women take care of her.
Their fingers were as cold as ice on her skin. She trembled a bit at the strange contact as the women removed what was left of her clothes and took her to the bathtub. The hot water was burning her skin. They started to rub her gently removing the dried blood but Sorina couldn’t relax and couldn’t stop trembling. They were vampire, she couldn’t trust them. She didn’t want to trust them. Everything they always did was to get something in return, she knew that from the beginning, she wondered what would follow the bath and that was probably going to be worse that what they had done so far. The thoughts were turning in her head really fast. Were they going to feed on her? They hadn’t so far even though they were always looking at her as if she was a dish. With everybody dead in the village they had to go hunting for their food further away than ever. Before they were only hunting for pleasure. When they needed to feed they were always people in the village willing to pay that price for a reduction of their taxes. That was just a game for them. They were going down to the village as a band, looking for women. It seemed that women blood was more agreeable to their taste, maybe because women didn’t have much strength to fight back, maybe because it was taking them less time to felt comatose once they had been bitten. The vampire seemed to like having all power over their victims and women were more easily scared by them. They called it the tribute of the blood, to stay on their land and farm or sell good or just life people needed to pay them blood. But one day the others arrived. They were moving differently, they smelled differently, they were dressed differently and the main difference was that they didn’t respect the rules. When the first girl died in the village after accepting to be bitten by one of them, the chief of the village went to the castle. Villagers could only go to the castle just before night time, they didn’t go often they knew that if the vampires were displeased they would keep them in the castle and never let them out again. But the chief went anyway and the vampires weren’t pleased with the intruders and came to confront them instantly. What happened between them and the others didn’t come to the ears of the villagers and they were too careful to make supposition, but for few days the calm came back in the village. The life was the same as usual. Sorina was seeing Viorel every day and every night and they were playing in the garden of in the forest and they were happy.
She heard a cough behind her that took her out of her thoughts. She recognized the voice instantly, the voice of the torment. She wanted to drown in the water but she couldn’t give him that satisfaction.

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Taster 74: Parallel Slip

Hello and welcome to a new Thursday Taster, the day when awesome writers all over the blogosphere come together to give you tasty bits of their last fiction. You can find the list here.
I think I had played the right card, because I had never seen him get mad before. He would always be the calm when my mother was the storm.
"You have no idea what you are talking about, I am not having this conversation with you again," my mother said.
That was a feature we had in common, I would try to avoid facing her at all cost because I could never win, even when I was right and I could see that she was the same, avoiding my father because he could probably yell louder and he would not drop it so easily. He caught her by the arm as she left the room.
"You have two choices, either you leave her study like any kids her age should do, or once she turns eighteen she will never want to see you ever again," my father said. "Are you threatening me? Once she turns eighteen she is not my problem anymore," my mother said.
"And what are people going to say when your daughter doesn't come home for Christmas? It doesn't look too good in a mother record, I can already hear them: All these years she looked like such an amazing mother sacrifizing everything for her child but really you never know what can happen behind close doors," my father said.
He was going too far, he was enjoying it as if it was the revenge he had always been waiting for. My mother walked away and he went after her. I took my notebook and a pen to be able to write down everything I could remember about the last travel, closed the door of my new home and went after them too.
Lunch was quiet. There was a restaurant in the gallery of the supermarket and we ate there. I could see my father preparing his answers to torture my mother about her personality and her care for me if she dared to open her mouth again to say anything to me. Badmouthing Sabine in front of him had been the worse thing she had ever done, now he wasn't going to let her get out of here with me. My mother was sitting straight as if she was trying to impose herself but she didn't say anything.
"So about the book on General Relativity," I started.
"I told you what I thought about my relationship with math earlier I think, you can keep the book," he said.
If I had had doubts that I might be facing Michelle's father, the one who could travel to other universe just like me, I knew I was wrong. The man in front of me was no doubt the same who had driven me her and couldn't stand thinking about math. But on the other hand I was under the impression that if Michelle's father had been the one who started talking back to my mother for her impossible behavior, my father was the one who enjoyed hitting her where it hurt.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 51

Welcome to Demon World unedited.I wonder why they are hiding, but I guess a lot of people would be envious of so much power.
His father walked toward the river, and passed the rays of this lamp on the snow. It was covered in blood, there was a dear lying in the snow near the river, it was atrociously mutilated. Odeon remembered the smell of the blood suddenly so strong, he remembered the blanket he was it becoming red as he turned around to vomit. He was covered in the blood of the animal, he didn’t remember doing anything. Then he was sick, for four weeks with a very high fever and his parents were preparing to move again. If they had been someone by the river, if he had been seen, this place wasn’t safe anymore. There was absolutely no way of making them change their mind, Torsti had been pleading again and again. Odeon’s spirit was broken by the death of the dear, he kept on seeing the woman’s face so close to his again and again in his dreams, he had high fever and his power was emerging. Demons were supposed to get their full powers when they turned fifteen, they were supposed to go through terrible exams to waken them all. But his was not a common power. He was feeling different than he was, he was feeling powerful and that was scaring him.
Torsti was still destroying every demon coming his way, turning his heavy hammer around in the air and smashing them as if they were barely nothing but air already. They were falling and still more were coming. Yue looked at the scene wondering what could push so many people in such a desperate attempt to fight him, or were they just trying to look heroic while only intending to kill themselves. There was no way of getting close to Torsti, at least not while he still had the hammer in his hands. He was wild and terrifying, with a smile of intense pleasure on his face at every blow. He was the complete opposite as Odeon, Yue wondered how two people so different could be brothers and more how they could be staying together. Torsti pull out his last blow straight on the face of one of the demons attacking him, maybe it was a desperate attempt to awake, thinking that if he could escape that blow, he would be able to become a god himself but the only result was that the top part of his head, just below the eyes felt his body to go crash on the nearby wall, just in between the thrones while the rest of his body shaking entirely as his nerves were realizing their last bit of electricity felt loudly on the floor at Torsti’s feet. Torsti put the head of his hammer down, smashing uselessly the lower jaw of the dead demon. He was smiling like a kid on Christmas day discovering all his present, he was truly enjoying himself.

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