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Monday, March 9, 2015

Pullip doll: The elf fairy princess Amarelis is ready

Welcome to a new episode of the doll making project. Today you'll see the final version of my first elf. I have to emphasize that the only customisation I didn't make myself is the wig, I bought it from Beamy Moon at the 42 Winter doll show back in January. The particularity of this project is that I had to make fimo elf ears.

Here is Amarelis in an intermediate try of her dress. I still had some embroidery to add on the sleeves and some beads and roses to sew on the skirt part of the dress.
Sewing beads in process: I found it very hard to have the beads all lined up on the first sewing when sewing them one by one so I come back and straighten the line by passing a thread through all of them. It works pretty well.
Here is the princess in her finished dress. The white fabric has square patterns on it which reflect the light differently allowing a play with the light when taking pictures.
I tried the old crone that I made for Serena on her. My friend said that it suit her but I'm not sure I like it so much. She might need a different hair accessory. There is also something really weird happening on this picture. Can you spot it? It only happens on this blog version and not on my computer though.
And now for a little photo session. Maybe at some point I should stop having the dolls first shot at the sewing machine but I think it has become a sort of habit.
Can you spot the little pixie hidden in the roses?
 And too finish an underwater pictures with turtles.

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