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Thursday, November 15, 2012

NaNoWriMo : Demon World part 5 & Tips 5

Yesterday I managed to write more than 3700 words.Which means that I also covered the number of words needed for today.
All Novels Drafts 

Normally in my previous novels as I already mentioned earlier I would treat the story somewhat linearly, going from the start to the end with one single character. Actually right now, I find it rather refreshing to be able to jump to another place when I'm getting tired of writing what's happening somewhere. Of course I'm still writing the story from the start to the end but his style seems to be allowing me more flexibility.
As today we are reaching the mid point of this novel writing month, and I know that a lot of you are getting tired of writing and failing with their word counts and putting extreme efforts to catch up, lets me introduce a tool that allow you to write even when you have no idea for a certain length of time.
This tool is called "write or die". I'm linking to the free online version, I also need to save money !
"write or die" allows you to type type type, without break, it's good when you don't know what to write and need words because it forces you to type something and for NaNo, anything is ok, we'll see about editing in March!
So the tip of the day is : Abuse WRITE OR DIE !

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